Archive for beatles

Phil Spector

Posted in Disaster, Fucked Up People, Hero, Make Decisions, Stop...Look...Listen, Technological Disaster with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2009 by Suge White

phil-spector-frizzThank God this man has been locked up for good.  Actually, don’t thank God… assuming you believe in him.  He created this guy and gave him the skills necessary to create the Wall of Sound.  God is the reason that this man has been what he is, which is a fucking musical genius.  However, as much as I respect what this man has done for the music industry, I don’t respect what this man has done for mankind.  His brilliance has forced us to idolize a complete nut.   We can’t have people like him around just running amuck.  He clearly doesn’t follow the rules of common decency.  Just look at his clothes.  Is he some sort of gay pimp?  You shouldn’t be allowed to dress like that and not pimp women.  You also shouldn’t be able to play Russian roulette with women and not pimp women.  I don’t get it.  Looking at pictures of this guy is like looking at an unfinished jigsaw puzzle, you know what it’s supposed to be but you’re still trying to figure it out.  If not for his smokin’ hot wife, you wouldn’t be able to tell if the man is gay, straight, or just hell bent on world domination.  The man has produced the likes of the Beatles, the Ramones, and Ike and Tina.  I, for one, would like to know where it all went wrong.  The man hasn’t produced anything meaningful in over 20 years.  Not to mention he apparently stopped using shampoo.  His hair has the same qualities as that of a dog who has been struck by lightning after falling in a swimming pool.  As a matter of fact, he looks like Pee-Wee Herman if Pee-Wee was made entirely out of the hair and skin of an old man’s genitals.  His skin is all wrinkled and his hair, while plush, is unbelievable wispy.  He just looks the part of a deranged maniac.  With all that being said,  the man did make some beautiful music.  Here are a few of his hits. 

Make sure to watch for Ike’s crazy ass in this one.  Also, Tina is looking fine as hell.